- The first lesson was awesome - I learnt so much about 6 chords, then I tried to learn how to strum, with my right hand and it all went wrong - this is really difficult for me, I can't keep rhythm. I can't hit the strings with up and down strokes and not strike the strings with up and down strokes in a consistent time and constantly keep my right hand in rhythm and I am far from being able to do this and seamlessly change chords...
But I am not ready to give up - just yet!
I joined the gym on Saturday, it is a local gym - not a chain.. it is small and cheap, but the equipment is good. I am not really an exercise person... but recently I am inspired as I have been losing weight by not drinking alcohol during the week (still have a few beers at the weekend though) and walking everyday... In the UK I weighed 83kg (ashamed to say) and in fashion and body conscious Korea - this is a bad weight to be. but things are moving, in the right direction... so I am putting this out there with my target. But my main aim is just losing the beer gut! but I enjoy beer, and Korean Chicken - too much) I think that Korean food has really helped - It is quite healthy, but I love it.. a bit too much. As is common in Korea, gyms provide clothes to wear in the gym, for a small additional fee... last night the owner asked me "Extra Large" - the t shirt he gave me may have been extra large but was skinny fit - like a muscle vest... this is so far away from what my body shape is... so this is my new target, to fit in the XL - T-shirt without looking so hideous! - I worry that someone may complain!

Lots of things going on in my family life too,
Harvey has started football and the other week he had a 3 game tournament - they lost - (0-0,0-0,0-1) but i was impressed by Harvey's skill and determination and it was a good day.
Last Saturday I attended Erin's kindergarten open day. Each child had to perform on stage and Erin had been practising all week! When the performances started, I was surprised as the Parents joined their child on stage in matching t-shirts and all sang together... Act 2 - matching T-shirts... so when our turn came around we joined Erin on stage and I managed to break out some of the dance moves and about 5 words to the song... Harvey carried us with his loud singing and I think Erin was a bit stage frightened - but we had fun!
Here are the teachers giving their performance
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