Monday, 23 May 2011

What do your children think? and So much to loose and so much to gain !

I am not a bad parent... at least I don't think so (?)!

However I have been asked by a number of people whether my children are happy to be moving to Korea or what they think about it.  Now I am all for empowering young children to make decisions and form their own opinions but my children are (nearly) 2 and (nearly) 4.  I don't think we have said "do you want to move to Korea" but i have definitely said that we are going to move.  My son sways between being excited and saying he doesn't want to go, but harsh as it may sound there is not a lot that he can do about it.  This again (like many aspects of this move) makes me feel uncomfortable.  But I have decided to do it and I may live to regret it, but I would certainly regret it if I don't try it.  There are so many "what if's", "if only's" and "i wish we had's" about this situation that at times I feel quite confused about what I actually do want to do.

There is so much to consider.  But deep down I know that my children will not suffer from the experience, we may move somewhere else in the future and moving now means that we still have tome to move back to the UK on to Australia or stay in Korea before my children reach the age where they need to concentrate on their studies.

My parents are devastated about me moving their grandchildren so far away from them and have so far managed to come up with a number of convincing and as many unconvincing reasons why we should not do it.  That fact remains that my children are mixed race and we have always bought them up in a culturally mixed environment too.  I plan to ensure that this is continued wherever we base ourselves. They will be bilingual and they will be brought up with a broad knowledge of their heritage.

So the children are powerless about the situation, but being so young should adapt quickly.  My wife is Going home so no major problems here... that leaves me  The move will be most difficult for me,  the pressure will be greater for me as I have the additional responsibility of being the main breadwinner.  My wife plans to work, but the children need looking after too so it really is up to me, to support the move emotionally and financially and to keep the peace with my family.

I feel quite stressed at times and as I mentioned, alleviating my stress and clearing my own thoughts is the motivation for this blog, that and that hopefully in the future my children and other family members may find it an interesting record of the move.  At the moment there is no one following this blog although there appears to have been visitors from Germany and the US over the weekend but this is about me really ad at the moment the posts have been quite self-indulgent although in the future I hope to provide some useful information about anyone planning a similar move and I hope also to invite people to follow me on this journey.  At the moment I would prefer a certain amount of anonymity as my employer does not know the plans that are afoot... or do you?

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