A blog following our family on their big adventure moving from the UK to South Korea.
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Monday, 24 December 2012
Leaving work (a little bit early)
Leaving work (a little bit early)... for my second Christmas in korea, my first with all my family.
The first Christmas was in 2002 when I asked Ji Gong to marry me.... it was today, Christmas Eve... seems like a long long time ago...
Lego city at jukjeon emart.
This is the most awesome lego city.. I still want this even though I am pushing 40!! come on kids, hurry up and love lego as much as me...
Monday, 3 December 2012
Who am I?
Last week - My co-teacher was late to one of my 5th grade classes and one girl in a state of mild panic asked me "Where is the Main teacher" - Low blow? Maybe not Korean co-teacher and assistant teacher are not synonymous terms.
In the Native English teacher community I hear about a variety of different levels of responsibility required of foreign teachers, from "No lesson planning or teaching, only games" to "My co-teacher is never here" Or "My co-teacher may as well not be here" - My own situation is somewhat different but I will save it for another post depending on where I end up working next year.
In Japan we are referred to as guests, cosy - no responsibility with that title!
Today, a 3rd grade student was looking for my Co-Teacher and asked me -
"English teacher, where?"
I replied, correcting her sentence
"Where is the English teacher? - I am here (Raising my hand)"
She looked confused and said "No, the ENGLISH teacher!"
If my Co teacher is the English teacher, who am I?...
Oh yeah... I am that person who comes to English class and stands at the front and talks funny!
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
1st class in the 5th Grade
I have a class of 5th graders who are the most wonderful class of students to have ever attended an Elementary school.
They walk into class and casually talk and the usual messing about while I greet them at the door, the bell rings and I walk back to the front of the class as I turn around they are all sat in their seats looking straight ahead in complete silence waiting for the lesson to start.
The result is that in the lesson we cover the book work, extend the language learning beyond that covered in the book, today we were studying about shopping and the book unit doesn't cover numbers but a couple of students asked about bigger numbers...
만 원 - 10 thousand, then 십 만 =100,000, 백만 원 = 1,000,000 and they asked what was next so I wrote them on the board I only went up to 1015 = Quadrillion, but for that they gave me a sincere round of applause, which I found highly amusing... Anyway my point is we were able throughout the lesson to extend the learning from outside the boundaries of the textbook (and this is not the first time), have a bit of fun at the same time and still have time to play a game!
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Be choir! And Bill Gates invented the internet!
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Lunch 14-11-11 |
First here is a picture of my lunch - Awesome... LOL - this is published on our school website - 헐... - daily...Today it was a radish (?) soup water kimchi Fried squid and a kind of Bi Bim thing with of cours the Bap (rice).
On Monday the Seongnam Metropolitan choir visited our school to give an hours performance, highlights for me were the School Mistress of Authority and Discipline Ajuma! (I don't know what her correct title is so I will call her that, MAD for short and a belting performance of Nessun dorma by some guy who looked like the phantom of the opera without the mask...
After about 40 mins of rousing show songs and smiley dance routines the kids started to get a bit restless and started talking and playing with their smart phones... so MAD stopped the MC Mid introduction of a weak Solo number to take the mic and 'calm the crowd'. Now MAD does this by picking on individual students and making them stand up and walk to the back of the room where they can sit down and carry on talking (This is OK because their sound is drowned out by all the teachers who are also stood at the back talking and playing with their smart phones. As the performance resumed MAD weaved her way among the crowd to 'select' some more individuals for the comfort of the back of the room. Her selection methods ranged from a gentle shoulder tap, a poke in the ear, a series of short sharp "HARD" taps on the head with a knuckle which was audible from across the auditorium and a kick in the spine that Messi would have been proud of. The kick launched the unsuspecting 6th grader into the adjacent row, Luckily the performance ended before there was more people at the back than in the crowd and before anyone was hospitalised.
The following day a grade 5 student asked me
"Rob Teacher, yesterday... singing... enjoy?"
I replied "Oh, the Choir..."
He looked at me rather distraught and said "Be Quiet... Oh Ok"
I apologised and explained that I had said 'The choir' and explained what a choir was...
During a lesson this weeks the invention of the internet came up and students were guessing the year, They first thought it was around the year 2000 and they kept talking about Bill Gates. Bill Gates (see my recent post with another It was not Bill gates fact) didn't invent 'the internet' I said... "Really they replied" looking confused, I think one of them mentioned Steve Jobs... "No" I said it was a US university and it was then developed by the US military...
They think I am mad, it has to be either Bill or Steve they invented everything but bill won because Steve is dead!
Thursday, 8 November 2012
New Books and basic skills lesson
New Books and basic skills
I gave them all a dictionary and after checking they had all used a dictionary before, I got them all to find the work dictionary, when they had found it I asked them what page it was on, then got them to tell me the Korean meaning of the word and I went through the examples of word usage in the dictionary.
The activity
I then split the class in to two teams and explained the activity.
- I will call out a word
- find it in the dictionary as fast as you can
- raise your hand and shout out the page number
- I will then ask you to tell me
- the meaning
- read out the 1st example sentence
- Your team gets 1 point
- impact
- forgive
- transform
- wink
- container
- memory
Surprisingly engaging activity
Never a dull moment
The dictionaries that we have also have a Ko -Eng supplement. One girl stayed behind to look up the word "Chubby" so that she could say "Rob teacher that is you..."Thanks a lot, she learnt a new word, at least!
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Why I hate Waygook.org
This irritated me today..... Where do you self centred people think you are living, adapt or move on despite the big US influence in Korea... this is not America!
This is just typical of the mindless crap posted on Waygook.org. And they recommend this site at GEPIK orientation...
I wish someone would create a similar site without all the bullshit... Oh, you have - thanks Shane! - ESLHERO.COM
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Unrelated: Korean car show
and had a great time exploring, afterwards I bought him a Cola and I had a beer and we had a good old chat! On the way to the subway station we stumbled across a Korea classic Hyundai car show.

Monday, 29 October 2012
Hosting the School English Song Contest
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Looking to 2013
- Comfortable
- Easy
- Lessons already planned
- Know the students
- Know the school and it's policies
- Know the staff
- Know my place
- Relationships already established
- Does it help further my career?
- Some personal relationships are not comfortable
Does it? No.
Will it delay any development? Probably not?
There is a Job at a Christian International School (really close to my house) - this would be great to get my Kids into! Especially as usually the education of teachers children is normally free. This job is teaching advanced placement English and History to 9 - 13 year olds following a , sounds like fun but do my qualifications hold up to this?
Well while writing this post I decided to bite the bullet and I applied anyway so we will see what happens.
I have a loose but rather ideal plan, 1 year working at Elementary, 1 year at middle and 1 year at high school before moving to a University position. This would involve gaining a Masters degree while working at the schools.
Exciting times.... maybe!
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Grade 6 - the nice ones!
Should be fun - I am looking forward to it!
As expected had a great day teaching grade 6 I taught classes 1 - 4 and even the quiet ones spoke... yey.
'on the fly' I implemented a discipline system. Basically when they wouldn't listen or were talking to each other while I was talking I put 1 mark on the board and at the end of the lesson I they had to stay behind 1 min for each mark on the board.
Class 1 - 3 mins
Class 2 - 4 mins
Class 3 - 2 mins
Class 4 - 4 mins
So the most number of times I had to stop the lesson to tell them off was 4... result! As this usually eats away at about 10 mins of every co-taught lesson!
Anyway I enjoyed it, a lot so now thinking seriously about what to do next year.
Friday, 12 October 2012
Family Time
Will write a new post soon - just far to busy at the moment!
Thursday, 13 September 2012
No playing games during break!
Another Korean funny today... We have a new poster in my classroom - all about classroom rules. Rules for during class and rules for during break.
Monday, 10 September 2012
Not just a jester!
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Using your Head
Using your Head
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Another classroom classic
Grade 5 text book - write a short telephone dialogue based on the picture...
Model Dialogue:
"Hi, we are playing basketball can you join us?", "Sure I can!"
Grade 5 student:
Sunday, 26 August 2012
The Holiday was expensive; first there was the visa fee $25 US per person (even the kids), food and beer was much the same price as UK (more expensive than Korea) then just in case they hadn't managed to sting you for every last cent you have to pay Indonesian the departure tax 150,000 rupiah (about $20 US) in cash!
Beer was about 30,000 rupiah and food about 60,000 rupiah
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Another classic moment!
Yesterday in my grade 3 lesson, my co teacher said "Rob teacher will show you a gesture can you guess what it means"... I crossed my fingers and raised my hand showing the palmside of my hand with my crossed fingers. One boy raised his hand enthusiastically and shouted "Fuck You!"
... priceless!
Another classic moment!
Yesterday in my grade 3 lesson, my co teacher said "Rob teacher will show you a gesture can you guess what it means"... I crossed my fingers and raised my hand showing the palmside of my hand with my crossed fingers. One boy raised his hand enthusiastically and shouted "Fuck You!"
... priceless!
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Get in FIT!
even this morning when I only had 4 hours sleep and knew that 15.5 hours later, as I write this, I would still be 30 mins from home. to be honest I am knackered! but proud of my 1st week, if I make it in tomorrow.
The gym is in a local government building, is very cheap and full of people twice my age and twice as healthy! I am almost embarrassed as I break out in to a heavy sweat after 5 mins on the exercise bike.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
open class 2
I had my second open class today. We had no time to prepare properly for the class...but it went really well! There was 8 people watching. They said pyo and I comunicated well and that we taught all children well. I hope it is also going to be good feedback from p and vp! I actually enjoyed it as kids were quiet and listendd...and engaged in the lesson... wish every lesson was like that!
today i recorded the listening test for grades 3 and 5. despite not getting past q2 for 15 mins due to sponanious laughter we cracked it. just grades 4 and 6 to record on monday.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
MMM Magnetic field source map, my favourite!
Hello? Fried rice is the source of the magnetic field on the menu today. Rub rice to eat in the magnetic field source map please. The weather is getting hotter. Washing hands before eating map please. Thank you.
MMM Magnetic field source map, my favourite!
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Summer COLD and Korean lessons!
I need to sort myself out physically as I am seriously lacking energy, lately. I have joined the gym but can't start until July! - I shall be using the free facilities along the Tancheon until then, once I shake this cold!
I have also started proper Korean lessons, through my church, on Sundays at 12pm! I am so excited to finally get some proper korean lessons. 1st lesson was great. I have been told to start at level 3 Korean, as I Can read and write korean and speak (a bit)! To be honest it was a bit hard for me but I am looking forward the challenge! My Grammar is poor... I know the work I need to do! The text book is simple and dialogue based.... I am looking forward to next week!
Thursday, 24 May 2012
How they see us...
I love 신새개 ' s (shinsegae) dept stores Loves Britainia campaign I especially like the punk drinking a pint of Guiness... I never associated punks with Guiness. The only thing I have ever seen punks drink is white lightning or tennants super... enjoy
audio clips
just got asked to record about 3 pages of random sentences as an audio clip on the principles mobile phone.
it took me 2 attempts as the sentences were just so random... “She's my girlfriend“ “I ate a hamburger and salad“ ”put your clothes on quickly“ Just another interesting and unusual thing to have done in my interesting and wonderful life...keep smiling I may post the highlights later!
Friday, 18 May 2012
/////// O P E N \\\\\\\\\\ CLASS!
It went really well about 8 parents came to watch.
The pace of the lesson was good and my "Time challenge game" worked brilliantly. The challenge was against the other classes that we had already taught the lesson to and on attempt 2 the open class group beat the previous quickest time and all the kids cheered and were so happy. The fact that the record has now been beaten considerably by class one doesn't matter... Class for rocked it on the day!
I was a bit worried about this task as in 2 of the 3 classes we previously did the game a kid ended up being blamed by the others and there were tears.
The highlight for me was that the style of the lesson changed and became more focused on the kids speaking, it should BE like this all the time. I knew that, it was drummed into us at the CELTA training and the GEPIK orientation... So why did it slip our minds. I guess the biggest reason was that the kids were so well behaved; there was no one getting out of their seats, running about, calling me FAT or any of the normal things we have to put up with. Don't get me wrong I think the students in my school are awesome - Even the naughty ones genuinely have something that I do like about them, but it disrupts the lesson so much with this going on that you struggle to just get the crappy pages from the textbook done so you have time for a game that THIS becomes your priority rather than maximising their learning.
The feedback forms came back with all positive comments on them from the parents.
My co-teacher said that I did a really good job and I thought she did too.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
P E R S O N A L S P A C E !!!!!
I have always kind of had an issue with personal space... I mean in.a "its mine get out of it" kind of way! Korean people seem to have no concept of this. This is obvious by the way boys and even grown men will be seen holding hands and wrapping their arms around each other in public without any sense of it bekng wierd. It will probably be "never" that there is a time when I am comfortable with the thought of talking a walk by the river holding hands with a guy! But I have noticed that even after 3 months here I no longer really notice it but become increasinly shocked when a young couple embrace on the subway!
Any way back to personal space...
Link: toilet etiquette for men!
Korean men will always stand at the urinal next to you even if others are empty at a safe distance. They will seem to peer at you will you are taking a piss and they will think its ok to start a conversation or make excessively loud noises of relief at taking a leak...
In school multiply this by 10!
The girls shout hello from their toilet block next door while I take a leak! And expect an answer!!!
And yesterday while in midflow at the urinal next go the window I heard "Hi Rob teacher" and looked up to see 4 boys waving at me from the building opposite. I mean come on I am taking care of my business here!
The subway into Seoul is crowded and this is when i feel the invasion of my personal space the most "Do you have to stand with your arms around me? With your leg between mine. breathing down my neck" Who is wrong? why are we so protective of our personal space? This is definitely a cultural difference.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
keeping scores!
today was sports day and I was tasked with keeping scores. The scoring system was crazy points were awarded left right and centre for no apparant reason. The team that won fair and square on sporting ability ended up losing by 10 points after the other team were awarded 160 points because they cheered a lot...?
Needless to say it was a good day even though i ended up with a sun burnt forehead and nose...
some photos of the day...
Thursday, 12 April 2012
interview tears
this time an interview situation has resulted in tears. not mine!
I had to interview for an english reporter for our school broadcast. Again painful silence was endured after the first question. despite my friendly prompts! afew minutes later the tears started but we did establish that she was born in australia and that she doesnt like kimchi!
today was hilarious a girl in my 5th grade is a comic genius... see attached picture. she had to write her own dialogue based on the situation in the pictures for the statements she wrote ! for the questions she put a ? ~ absolutely pure comic genius!
also today one 5th grade student suddenly shouted that he loved me! ha ha so cute. my co~teacher said it must be his real mind as he didnt laugh afterwards!
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
School Paper Interview
Had a gruelling interview with the School
Newspaper... It was So Cute the girl came andsaid... ''Question" after 10Mins we were no Further forward! i tried everything. to get her to ask the question! i even got her a chair! After much prompting Google translate and my poor Korean the question was asked you... why did you come to korea ? I kept. the answer short for obvious reasons!!!Monday, 19 March 2012
Moving in!
Finally moving in to our new place!
I came home from work to collect my stuff from ok gils house with some chocolate for the kids..
Expecting to have lots of boxes to move go find that most of it has gone... but no one here!
Gong rang after 10 mins to say she would be back in 20 mins!
So just waiting now.
Hopefully the furniture is already there.
Really looking forward go the new place!♥♥♥
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Spent the day cleaning the apartment!
It was dirty and took allday
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Cute faces / White day / Steve jobs from Microsoft!
Today is `White day`... a kind of korean valentines day so on the way home I purchased to specially packaged sweets for the occasion, one for nuna and one for ji gong! I was a little unsure of the correct protocol of white day but she seemed pleased!
Today I also taught 2 periods of 3rd grade!! - Ha ha they were so cute! but at that age they need songs... repetitive songs.. Hi Hi Hi I'm kevin, nice to meet you kevin bye bye bye kevin! etc etc.... They loved it,but really not my thing! The kids however were very cute, I got given some biscuits and a chupa chup lolly, not sure if that is for white day or just because they were pleased to see me! However they squealed with delight when I said Anyong!
I looked through some of the teaching materials we have at school and this one caught my eye...
A picture of Bill Gates with a windows logo, labelled as Steve Jobs!! He will be turning in his grave!
Monday, 12 March 2012
Special Needs!
I feel some kind of responsibility, but I guess that responsibility lies with the school not me. they have a special education program for him in which covers Korean and maths but not english. It seems unfair and pointless to put him through so many hours a week of classes if he is getting no benefit from it... I dont want to exclude him I want to find a way of including him. I know there is a special care teacher at the school as I answered the phone once when she called and she seemed to speak English quite well. Maybe I will message her about a plan for him...
I was quite surprised that it wasn't mentioned before.
You'll love how you fell everyday...

She has a unique negotiating technique which consists of dragging the process of buying something out so long the the sales guy loses the will to live and agrees to whatever demands, and in the case of Ji Gong - Discounts, are being requested.
Highlight for me was this brochure and it's English language mistake.
You'll love how you fell everyday...
We managed to buy a bed each for the kids (one pink one blue) a bed for us, a wardrobe for one of the kids rooms (as one is built in) A GIANT wardrobe for us. A dressing table, a bedside table, a rice cooker unit with a cabinet door that turns into a table, a computer table with a shelf unit, a computer chair, a Dining table and chairs... I think that was it... oh, of course mattresses for all the beds.
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The table we wanted, but couldn't afford |
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A heated bed with a surface like the floor (hard) point? |
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Some wardrobes |
Sunday we went to Sunae Lotte department store, Harvey and I had been craving pizza so we had that as well as some sushi! We went there to meet a friend from Cambridge at who owns his own investment bank. He has offered to help me connect with Seoul based people. He is a very nice guy and it is good to know well connected people, especially in Korea. As no where is it more true that "it is not what you know, it is who you know!"
Erin is becoming Quite the Poser... HA HA